Established in 2014, Tokyo Samurai is the premiere youth basketball organizations in Japan that mixes international and Japanese players based in Tokyo to expand the game of basketball in Japan.
We aim to develop fundamentally sound young players of good character in a bilingual environment. Practices are thoroughly planned and training is centered on developing fundamental skills and gaining basketball IQ to enable athletes to be prepared to move from youth to high school to university. Players gain exposure by competing in some of largest tournaments in Japan and the US as well as through our extensive network of US prep schools and colleges along with Japanese high school, college and professional teams. The Samurai program is unmatched in helping to develop players that move on to US and Japanese Universities, national team members and candidates and professionals.
The Samurai program is centered around the athletes and giving them the tools that will help them be successful in the future, on and off the court. Player and character development is the primary focus and valued over winning games. Responsibility, resilience and accountability are all common themes throughout every practice. The expectation is the program is helping to develop not only future college and professional athletes but future professionals in all walks of life.